Middle school students spend two years studying basic Christian theology, laying the foundation for faith continuing in teen and adult years.
Youth Group
Fridays 7:00-9:30 at church
7th-12th grade
Join youth leaders Dave, Raquel, and Travis for fun, games, friendship, and time in the Word.
Vacation Bible School
For one week each summer, children from Bunker Hill and the surrounding community gather to hear the gospel. We sing songs, listen to stories, play games, and have a blast!
Adults & Families
Sunday School
Sundays at 9:45am
We offer two Adult Sunday School classes weekly, each studying different Biblical ideas or books and applying them to life.
Music Ministry
Share your musical gifts to worship the Lord as part of our praise team on Sunday mornings or sing in the Easter and Christmas Choir Cantata.
Bible Studies
Contact our office or Pastor Drew to learn more about opportunities to study God’s Word.